The Greek Symposium “Networking Culture”, Synergies in the field of Culture took place on Friday, 31st January 2025, at the Amphitheater of the Karatza Building of the National Bank of Greece. The Symposium, which constitutes the first Cultural Networks Meeting, was organized by Athens Network of Museums and Cultural Institutions, established in 2009, as an initiative for the co-operation of non-profit museums and cultural organizations active in Athens. 42 (14 public and 28 private) museums and cultural organizations are members of the network.
During the 1st Section of the Symposium a large number of Cultural Networks were presented. Mrs. Andriopoulou Irene, Head of Creative Hub GR – Creative Greece, presented UNESCO Media and Information Literacy Alliance EU Mediterranean Sub Chapter as coordinator since 2018 (EKOME). UNESCO MIL Alliance promotes media and digital citizenship through actions and synergies on Media & Information Literacy policies and strategies. EU Mediterranean Sub Chapter counts 55 members from 11 Mediterranean countries and also operated 5 Task Force Groups on: a) Synergies, b) Research, c) Policies, d) Creative industries and, e) Formal Education. During the 2nd Section, two Round Tables took place, with audience discussions on the “Benefits and Challenges of Cultural Networking” and on the “Synergies and extroversion, of Cultural Networks”. The 3rd Section was dedicated to “World cafés”, during which the participants were divided into 4 groups, discussing different topics, such as good practices of Cultural Networking, sustainability and funding of networking, as well as the future of cultural networks in the digital age.