The Award ceremony of 14th International Student Competition “Did you study… cinema?”
Audiovisual Archives Registry
EKOME is creating a unified register for all public and private institutions, as well as natural and legal persons, that host, hold or utilise audiovisual material. The aim of the register is to identify materials, coordinate the institutions, interconnect them, and provide various services, such as the establishment of uniform standards, cooperation in the digitisation and preservation of their materials and support for their activities.
National Catalogue of Audiovisual Works
For the first time in the country, EKOME is establishing a national catalogue for the entire audiovisual production and heritage of Greece, i.e. for all audiovisual works that have been produced, are produced and will be produced in the country. The catalogue will list each work, its contributors and the copyright that accompanies it. The catalogue of works will be interconnected with the catalogue of institutions so that the institution where material carriers of the works are kept , the physical state in which they are kept, whether they have been digitised or not, will be known.
EKOME is creating a unified register for all public and private institutions, as well as natural and legal persons, that host, hold or utilise audiovisual material.