Student Competition for the Creation of a Student Radio Message and Song “Make it heard” [“Καν’ το ν’ ακουστεί”]
HFAC-Creative Greece has been co-organizing the Student Competition for the Creation of a Student Radio Message and Song “Make it heard” [“Καν’ το ν’ ακουστεί”] since 2020, in collaboration with the Scientific Society “European School Radio, The First Student Radio”, the Department of Educational Broadcasting and Digital Media of the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports and the Cyprus Pedagogical Institute. The Competition is addressed to students of Kindergartens, Primary Schools (all grades), Gymnasiums and Lyceums of Greece and Cyprus, public and private.
More info: EKOME supports the competition “Make it heard 2023”
EKOME supports the competition “Make it heard 2022”
EKOME supports the competition “Make it heard 2021”
International Student Competition of Audiovisual and Digital Creation "Your history is the history of your city" [“Η ιστορία σου, είναι ιστορία της πόλης σου”]
In the context of audiovisual literacy and digital heritage conservation activities, HFAC-Creative Greece has been a co-organizer of the competition since 2019, when it started, in collaboration with the Educational Radiotelevision and the National Library Council of the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports. The competition is now co-organized by the Department of Archives, Library Science and Museology of the Ionian University, the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication of the University of the Aegean and the General State Archives.
The Student Creation Competition invites the student community of the country’s Secondary Education and the Diaspora to participate in the preservation and processing of historical documents, their use in student audiovisual and digital works and their dissemination to the educational community and the wider society.
More info: Your history is the history of your city – 2nd International Student Competition
Conclusion of the Workshop: Your history is the history of your city
Announcement of Winners: Your story is your city’s story
International Student Short Film Competition “Did you study... Cinema?" [“Cinema… διάβασες;”]
HFAC-Creative Greece started its collaboration with the International Student Short Film Competition “Did you study… Cinema?” in 2018. This competition is the oldest student audiovisual creation competition –since 2010– in the school community with an exuberant archive of student films (now 2,000 films).
HFAC-Creative Greece has been an official co-organizer of the competition since 2019, in collaboration with the Directorate of Primary Education of Serres, the Drama Short Film Festival, the General Secretariat for Communication and Information, the Department of Educational Radiotelevision and Digital Media of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs of Greece, ERT SA and the Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus in Greece – Cultural Office-House of Cyprus.
The aim of the competition is to give students the opportunity to express themselves artistically, to become creators, to become familiar with the “language” of cinematic storytelling and to acquire audiovisual education skills. Also, to become judges, scholars and researchers of their environment and to be sensitized to the need to ensure decent living conditions for all inhabitants of the planet. It is addressed to students of Kindergartens, Primary Schools (all grades), Gymnasiums and Lyceums of Greece, Cyprus and the Diaspora, public and private.
More info:
HFAC-Creative Greece carries out a series of special actions and targeted interventions aimed at strengthening children and young people’s critical thinking, regarding the use of digital media and visual culture.