Mediterranean Group UNESCO MIL Aliance  - ΕΚΚΟΜΕΔ



Mediterranean Group UNESCO MIL Aliance

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Mediterranean Group UNESCO MIL Aliance​

In October 2018, EKOME started the official collaboration with UNESCO and the educational network of GAPMIL – Global Alliance for Partnerships in Media and Information Literacy, which in 2020 was renamed UNESCO MIL Alliance – Alliance for Media and Information Literacy. It is UNESCO’s transnational alliance with more than 600 members from 110 countries and aims to promote media literacy as a basic skill for all citizens in the 21st century. EKOME is an active member of the UNESCO MIL Alliance and coordinator of its Euro-Mediterranean Chapter.

More info:
Meet the Members of Europe Sub-Chapter Mediterranean Group for UNESCO MIL Alliance

News Bulletin

In November 2021, the Department of Education, as coordinator of the EU Sub chapter Mediterranean Group of UNESCO MIL Alliance, launched a new channel of communication with the members of the Network through the circulation of the bimonthly News Bulletin, with news and information on events in the field of Media and Information Education in the Mediterranean.

More info:

New members join EU Sub-Chapter Mediterranean Group of UNESCO MIL Alliance

EKOME MIL Webinars

The EKOME MIL Webinar Series® is part of EKOME’s strategy to raise awareness and develop audiovisual and digital literacy actions, in the context of lifelong learning, in collaboration with the international educational network UNESCO MIL Alliance.

In total, 8 webinars were organized, with more than 800 participants from 45 countries around the world. The webinars garnered more than 4,000 views on EKOME’s social media and are considered one of the most established sources of information on MIL issues worldwide.

More info:
MIL Webinar Series: the new webinar series by EKOME
EKOME MIL Webinar Series – Round II

UNESCO Global MIL Week

The UNESCO Global MIL Week, proclaimed as official by 193 countries in 2019, is an annual event on the United Nation’s calendar and a major occasion for mobilizing worldwide stakeholders to raise awareness and celebrate the progress achieved towards “Media and Information Literacy for All“.

During the celebration of the Week, feature events such as the International Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue Conference and the Youth Agenda Forum together with online/offline local events and activities around the world, promote Media and Information Literacy connections across disciplines, professions and borders.

UNESCO strongly encourages national and regional activities and events to take place around the world. EKOME, as an active member of UNESCO’s MIL Alliance since 2018 and coordinator of its European Sub-Chapter Mediterranean Group, proudly participates every year in the commemoration of UNESCO Global MIL Week promoting its initiatives and activities on digital and audiovisual literacy, as well as UNESCO’s related materials. EKOME is also campaigning in its social media to raise awareness on Media and Information Literacy, joining digitally the celebrations around the world!

More info:

12th UNESCO Global MIL Week: Celebrate with EKOME!
EKOME celebrates the 11th UNESCO Global MIL Week 2022
EKOME participates in the 10th Global Week UNESCO 2021
EKOME proudly celebrates Global MIL Week 2020