Creative Greece pushes play again with the 5th International Student Board and Digital Game Design Competition “The lesson…is a game”! - ΕΚΚΟΜΕΔ


Creative Greece pushes play again with the 5th International Student Board and Digital Game Design Competition “The lesson…is a game”!

Creative Greece pushes play again with the 5th International Student Board and Digital Game Design Competition “The lesson…is a game”!

Discover how school lessons can become the starting point for designing a game as part of a creative process!

The competition is aimed at schools and students of all Primary and Secondary Education grades in the country, Cyprus, and Greek Diaspora. With the support of their teachers, students are invited to create an original educational board or digital game on topics related to the fields of knowledge taught.

The competition aims to promote game-based learning and collaborative creative activity in the school environment. The game design process is linked to specific learning objectives, through the students’ active involvement, helping to foster a collaborative team spirit and develop students’ creativity, critical thinking, imagination, digital literacy, computational and other skills.

This original and popular in the school community, competition is organised by the Hellenic Film and Audiovisual Centre – Creative Greece, with the Ministry of Digital Governance, the Association of Information and Communication Engineers and the Hellenic Association of Graphic Design Technology Graduates, in collaboration with the Educators’ Team for the Scratch Game Competition, under the auspices of the Region of Attica and the General Secretariat of Greeks Abroad and Public Diplomacy of the Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Register and take part to the competition!

We invite you to create:

– an original board game or

– a playable demo of a digital game

For the competition objectives, an original board game can be considered:

  • A game played on the table by one or more people.
  • A card game.
  • A game combining parts/chips/pieces from different, existing board games to create a new one.
  • An augmented game combining physical objects with digital applications.

For the competition objectives, a digital game can be considered:

  • A digital game with a specific educational nature supporting particular educational objectives.
  • A digital game with an indirect educational objective, which develops critical thinking, collaborative problem solving and creativity.
  • A digital narrative game combining literature-based storytelling and interactive play.

The competition is approved by the Hellenic Ministry of Education.

Read the competition announcement (Gr) here.

If you are a Greek school abroad, you may register, through filling out the online form. 

[The declaration of interest form refers to teachers’ Personal Data collection. HFAC is the Data Controller for these data.]

A sample parental/guardian consent form can be found here.

[The Parental Consent Form is collected and maintained by the schools which are also the Data Controller for the Personal Data contained in this form.]

Read here how the Data Protection Policy for minors participating in HFAC student activities is specified.

Deadline for submission: 11 April 2025



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