TeaMLit: Media Literacy goes to school … with Creative Greece! - ΕΚΚΟΜΕΔ


TeaMLit: Media Literacy goes to school … with Creative Greece!

TeaMLit: Media Literacy goes to school … with Creative Greece!

So, the main question remains, what is Media Literacy? Wondering how you can teach Media Literacy in the classroom? Or how you can support your colleagues in doing the same? Well then, we have the solution for you!

Meet the new Massive Open Online Course, “TeaMLit: Making Education More Media Literate“, by Media and Learning Association in Belgium, the Greek adaptation, now offered by the Hellenic Film and Audiovisual Center – Creative Greece – Creative Greece.  

In today’s digital age, it is more than necessary to equip our students with critical literacy skills, safe navigation and understanding of the media platforms and how they function. Creative Greece presents now the Massive Open Online Course “TeaMLit: Making Education More Media Literate”, in cooperation with the leading EU player, Media and Learning Association from Belgium, that Creative Greece is also a member. The project is addressed to teacher trainers for providing guidance, resources and teaching methodology on Media and Information Literacy and digital literacy in the classroom. The new MOOC is part of the EU project TeaMLit, for providing support and networking in the school community in Europe, led by Media & Learning Association (Belgium) and with partners: Association for Communication and Media Culture (Croatia); Heidelberg School of Education (Germany); Mediawijs (Belgium); Dublin City University Institute for Future Media, Democracy, and Society (Ireland) and the Finnish Society on Media Education (Finland).

For the very first time in Greece, an open, free, specialized and at the same time, flexible e-learning course in Greek seeks to familiarize and introduce formal education practitioners to a critical and beneficial way of using and managing media to train and be able to teach contemporary visual culture skills in the classroom, to schools in Greece, Cyprus and the Greek-speaking world.

The course is designed for beginners (level 1) and more experienced teachers (level 2). It consists of 5 modules, 45′ in total, which guide and inform teacher trainers as well as primary and secondary school teachers on how to discuss digital media with their students through fun online quizzes, simple exercises and practical examples that can then be implemented easily in their classroom and school. After completing the online course, teachers receive the attendance certificate electronically by TeaMLit project.

The project was adapted into Greek, as part of the European network of TeaMLit, enriched with new resources and good practices from Greece. It is based on the original MOOC “Making Education More Media Literate”, already available in 6 languages. It was implemented by the Department of Media Literacy and Social Action of Creative Hub GR, the new Hub for Innovation, Education and Technology in Creative Sector, in the context of designing educational programs, upgrading teachers’ skills in lifelong learning in the digital age (up-skilling, re-skilling) and producing Open Educational Resources.

Enroll in the course here: TeaMLit: Η Παιδεία στα Μέσα… πάει σχολείο | Media & Learning.

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