Announcement by EKOME about the operation of the Cash Rebate


Announcement by EKOME about the operation of the Cash Rebate

Announcement by EKOME about the operation of the Cash Rebate

The National Center for Audiovisual Media and Communication – EKOME in line with the measures of the Ministry of Digital Governance to expand the digitally provided services to citizens, while actions to address the COVID-19 pandemic are being taken, makes the most out of the available tools and technologies aiming to secure full operation of the Cash Rebate program to enhance audiovisual production.

In this context, we inform representatives of audiovisual production companies in Greece and around the globe, that the State Aid Information System platform continues to operate normally for the submission of applications for aid and audit for projects falling under provisions of Law 4487/2017 (feature films, television series, documentaries, video games, animation).

Browse EKOME web site and social media accounts for useful information on the up-to-date actions and initiatives of institutions and stakeholders within the three pillars of audiovisual production (Invest-Digitize-Educate), and visit the website of the Ministry of Digital Governance for information on public services digitization on and the digital solidarity chain (#DigitalSolidarityGr) in which EKOME participates.

We support audiovisual production in Greece and are making certain that in this pandemic’s aftermath Studio Greece will be ready for action!

#stayhome #staysafe #staycreative

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